Thursday, 26 September 2013

Wastebusters - Recycling and Reusing

Room 6 has been busy collecting old tin cans this term, ready for when Wastebusters came to teach us about recycling and reusing. Finally in Week 9 (the last week of term) we got to have our lessons.

The first lesson was all about what we can recycle at home - glass, cans, plastic, cardboard, paper... basically most things we use in everyday life!!

Miss Brown was amazed to find out that plastic is made from oil... like oil you put in your car... she was shocked! We also learnt that glass needs to be recycled into it's different colours (clear, green and brown) because they melt it down and then make new glass bottles out of it.

Our second lesson was reusing the cans we had collected throughout the term to make a pencil tin for us to take home, keep at school or give to someone as a present. Have a look at our photos, we have made some pretty cool pencil tins!

Here is the final product... what do you think? Would you even know they were made of cans!?

Hockey, Hockey, Hockey!!

We have been really lucky this term, Small Sticks Hockey have been in our school teaching all the junior classes hockey skills.

We learnt how to hold a stick properly, how to hit and stop the ball and how to play a game of hockey.

Michelle, Joyce and some other helpers taught us cool games like tunnel ball and musical hockey sticks - they were so fun!

We all really enjoyed it... see our photos below!

Michelle was so impressed with our class and the way we picked up on the hockey skills... she said we were the best class at Hampstead!

Odd Shoe Day!

Hampstead School kids all got their creative hats on to come up with the wackiest, most colourful, most oddest pair of shoes they could think of to raise money for Camp Quality NZ.

Camp Quality helps provide hope, help and happiness to children living with cancer. They have heaps of volunteers to help them do this and we wanted to show our support by having a mufti day with Odd Shoes.

Heaps of people got on board and below are some pictures of the odd shoes in Room 6.

 There was a prize for the oddest pair of shoes in each class and our class voted Jaidon's shoes the oddest pair!

Fun in Room 6!

Term 3 has been a busy term here at Hampstead School we have had heaps of things happen! But despite working hard (which we do all the time) we still have time for a bit of fun.

In Room 6 we really like to build and create things out of our maths equipment and other things around the class here are some pictures to show you what we have been creating.


Over Term 2 and 3 we have been learning about Space. This term we had to come up with a big question about Space for our inquiry.

As a class we decided that our question would be...

Why is there no air in Space?
We researched this question using books and the internet and came up with lots of information.
Then we had to present our findings. Most of us chose to do a poster but one group decided to do something different... A video!
Tyrone, Josh, Will and Jack decided that they wanted to present their video like they were news reporters. Check it out below!

Instruction Writing

For writing in Term 3 we have been doing instruction writing. It is something we have really enjoyed in Room 6 because we got to make heaps of cool things!

We made paper plate puppets, biscuit faces and fish in a pond. Our favourite was the fish in a pond because we made jelly and then we got to eat it!!

After we made each thing we had to write a set of instructions to go with it. They always had to have a title, purpose, materials, steps and a evaluation.

Miss Brown has been very impressed with our instruction writing and we worked really hard to write the best instructions we could!

Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the cool things we made!
Here are the paper plate puppets.
The cotton balls kept falling off them
and it was like they were losing their

The biscuit faces were yummy! We had chocolate icing, marshmallows and coloured writing icing for the mouths... Delicious!
Here we are enjoying our fish in a pond outside in the sun!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Wine Gum Shapes!

Term 3 has got off to a great start in Room 6! We have been doing all sorts of different experiences for our recounts during Writing.

This term we have been doing Geometry in Maths and Miss Brown challenged us to create a 3D shape using just wine gums and big toothpicks or skewers as she liked to call them. It was really hard to make some of the shapes stay still long enough to take photos!

Some of us challenged ourselves to make harder shapes like pryamids and rectangular or triangular prisims. After we made our shapes it wa time to eat the wine gums!

After that we had to write a recount about what we did and how we made them. We all agreed that our favourite part was getting to eat the wine gums because they were yummy!!

Have a look at our photos below to see all the cool shapes we made...

Tyrone is concentrating hard so he can make a cube out of the wine gums and skewers.
I wonder what shapes the children at this table are making?

 Josh and River have made pryamids. One is a square-based pyramid and the other is a triangular-based pryamid... Can you guess who made what?

Have a look at Mere and Saiyan's giant rectangular prisim! Good work girls. Mere is having to hold the corners so that it doesn't fall over!

These are the 3D shapes that I know

This term in Room 6 we have been doing Geometry for Maths. Before we started we didn't know many things about this but over the last month we have learnt HEAPS!

We got to listen to this awesome song that helped us learn the 3D shape names... Take a listen!

3D Shapes that I Know

We got to do lots of fun activities while learning about the 3D shapes. We got to explore our classroom and the playground to find 3D shapes, we got to build a ramp and test which shapes would roll or slide (most of our predictions were correct) and we got to do heaps of mystery bag activities to describe and guess different shapes! Check out our photos below...

Will is testing out his rectangular prisim to see if it will roll or slide? What do you think it did?

 Caleb is testing his classmates by describing a 3D shape and getting them to guess what it is. I wonder what he had!?

This group is making their predictions about what their shapes will do. Alex had a sphere and Tamsin had a cylinder... Do you think they rolled or slid?

Our New School Council Representative!

Sadly last term we lost our school council representative in Room 6. She moved to a new school. So it was up to us to find a member of our class to replace her!

We decided as a class that our representative should be a boy or girl who...

  • Is nice/kind
  • Is a good friend
  • Helps others
  • Shares
  • Is respectful to teachers and other children
  • Does the right thing
  • Has good ideas to help our school

Then we had a vote. We had to write the name of somebody, other than ourselves, who we thought met all these requirements. Room 6 chose...


Congratulations Tamsin, we all think you will do an awesome job being our school council representative.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Room 6's Awesome Maths!

In the last three weeks of Term 2, Room 6 has been learning about Measurement. We learnt all about Temperature, Money and Weight. 

During our Temperature week we learnt about how a thermometer works; we can use them to check if something is hot or cold. We also had to describe hot and cold places, it was really fun! 

Then we moved onto Money. We learnt all about the different coins and notes that New Zealand uses. We were really lucky because Carys, Eden and Ashley brought in different coins from other countries and even some of the coins New Zealand used in the olden days.

We really liked using the money to play shops. It was a good way to explore how to use the money! 

We found out that the biggest note we had to learn was the $50 note and our smallest coin is the 10c coin - we can't buy much with that! 

In the last week of the term we learnt all about Weight. We found out that weight is about which is the lightest and which is heaviest. We used scales a lot to find out which was the heaviest out of two different items. 

 Jack and Jaidon are checking their predictions about which was the heaviest item... I wonder if they were right? 

Josh, River, Tyrone and Will all really enjoyed weighing things from around the classroom. 

All the girls enjoyed predicting the weight of items.  

We also got to move around different stations and explore weight. 

We found out that some things are too heavy to lift so we have to push and pull them.

At the first station we were on the mat and we had to push and pull the box of blocks and our basket that holds the Topic books.  

We predicted that the box of blocks would be the hardest to push and pull because we thought it would be the heaviest but we were wrong! 

The basket of our Topic books was the heaviest! We were really surprised by that. 

Our next station was called Tricky Bags. We had to make two bags that had different items in them and ask a partner to describe how they felt. 
Were they heavy? Were they light? Can you tell us why? 

At our last station we had to create our own scales or seesaw. We had to balance them on top of a can and then find items around the classroom that had the same weight so that our seesaws would balance.

Josh and Jaidon are trying very hard to make sure their seesaw balances!

Eden and Caleb are also trying hard to balance their seesaw. Good work guys! 

We enjoyed doing a different kind of Maths at the end of the term, here are a few of our favourites...

Tamsin - My favourite part was pushing the blocks and topic books because it fun! 

Sally - I liked using the scales.

Caleb - It was fun using the scales because it was cool to see them work.

Jaidon - I liked playing with the money! 

Our Awesome Day at Science Alive!

Hampstead School was lucky this term because Science Alive came to visit us and brought their Starlab and Space Oydessy programmes to us! 

On Tuesday in Week 8 we went to the Space Oydessy in the library. When we got inside, Anna from Science Alive, asked us to help make the rocket blast off. So we all counted back from 10 and then she showed us some pictures of Earth and other Planets before she told us what we would do at all the different stations.

The first station was with Anna from Science Alive. She helped us make a dial that showed when sunrise and sunset were. We also talked about when the Sun shines on the Earth and when it shines on the Moon. 

This is Anna explaining how night and day works. 

This is Jacinta, Mahalia, Stacey and Ashley making our dials. 

The second station was run by Anna, Tamsin's Mum. At this station we had to put the Planets up in order from the Sun. Then we had to answer questions about these Planets and get a Spaceman ready to go into Moon. We learnt that they need special food that's different from here on Earth because it would go rotten before he even got to the Moon! 

This is River, he is deciding the correct place to put the Planet. 

Here are all the Planets in order. We think we did a pretty good job! 

Here is Josh, Amelia, Eden and Will getting the Spaceman ready to go the Moon. We hope you packed the right things!  

When we got to the third station Eden's Mum and Dad were waiting to help us. We got to learn all about Galaxies and then we even got to make one! 
We had a black piece of paper and some glue and we designed our Galaxy, then we used cheese graters and we scraped chalk over the glue to create our Galaxy. Then Eden's Mum put a star in the middle of our Galaxy and that was the Sun. Check out our Galaxies below... 

Caleb, Jack, Tamsin and Mere are making some pretty awesome Galaxies! 

This is what the Galaxy we live in looks like.

At the fourth and final station we found Josh's Mum. She taught us about how the Moon orbits the Earth, how craters were made on the surface of the Moon and about the phases of the Moon.  We all really enjoyed making the craters! 

Carys, Alex, Tyrone, River and Jaidon are deciding which side of the Moon is dark when the Sun is shining on it... They did really well! 

Alex is creating a crater on the Moon... 
how big do you think the crater will be? 
At the end of our visit Caleb, Mere and Tamsin showed us how the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. It looked rather tricky and we think they did a great job! 

Room 6 had so much fun during our Science Alive visits! Here are some things we enjoyed the most...

Saiyan - My favourite part was when we made the Galaxies.

Will - I liked playing the games with Tamisn's Mum.

Jack - My favourite part was Caleb, Mere and Tamsin acting out how the Sun, Earth and Moon orbit each other.

River - I enjoyed dropping the balls into the sand to make craters!