Sunday, 14 July 2013

Room 6's Awesome Maths!

In the last three weeks of Term 2, Room 6 has been learning about Measurement. We learnt all about Temperature, Money and Weight. 

During our Temperature week we learnt about how a thermometer works; we can use them to check if something is hot or cold. We also had to describe hot and cold places, it was really fun! 

Then we moved onto Money. We learnt all about the different coins and notes that New Zealand uses. We were really lucky because Carys, Eden and Ashley brought in different coins from other countries and even some of the coins New Zealand used in the olden days.

We really liked using the money to play shops. It was a good way to explore how to use the money! 

We found out that the biggest note we had to learn was the $50 note and our smallest coin is the 10c coin - we can't buy much with that! 

In the last week of the term we learnt all about Weight. We found out that weight is about which is the lightest and which is heaviest. We used scales a lot to find out which was the heaviest out of two different items. 

 Jack and Jaidon are checking their predictions about which was the heaviest item... I wonder if they were right? 

Josh, River, Tyrone and Will all really enjoyed weighing things from around the classroom. 

All the girls enjoyed predicting the weight of items.  

We also got to move around different stations and explore weight. 

We found out that some things are too heavy to lift so we have to push and pull them.

At the first station we were on the mat and we had to push and pull the box of blocks and our basket that holds the Topic books.  

We predicted that the box of blocks would be the hardest to push and pull because we thought it would be the heaviest but we were wrong! 

The basket of our Topic books was the heaviest! We were really surprised by that. 

Our next station was called Tricky Bags. We had to make two bags that had different items in them and ask a partner to describe how they felt. 
Were they heavy? Were they light? Can you tell us why? 

At our last station we had to create our own scales or seesaw. We had to balance them on top of a can and then find items around the classroom that had the same weight so that our seesaws would balance.

Josh and Jaidon are trying very hard to make sure their seesaw balances!

Eden and Caleb are also trying hard to balance their seesaw. Good work guys! 

We enjoyed doing a different kind of Maths at the end of the term, here are a few of our favourites...

Tamsin - My favourite part was pushing the blocks and topic books because it fun! 

Sally - I liked using the scales.

Caleb - It was fun using the scales because it was cool to see them work.

Jaidon - I liked playing with the money! 

Our Awesome Day at Science Alive!

Hampstead School was lucky this term because Science Alive came to visit us and brought their Starlab and Space Oydessy programmes to us! 

On Tuesday in Week 8 we went to the Space Oydessy in the library. When we got inside, Anna from Science Alive, asked us to help make the rocket blast off. So we all counted back from 10 and then she showed us some pictures of Earth and other Planets before she told us what we would do at all the different stations.

The first station was with Anna from Science Alive. She helped us make a dial that showed when sunrise and sunset were. We also talked about when the Sun shines on the Earth and when it shines on the Moon. 

This is Anna explaining how night and day works. 

This is Jacinta, Mahalia, Stacey and Ashley making our dials. 

The second station was run by Anna, Tamsin's Mum. At this station we had to put the Planets up in order from the Sun. Then we had to answer questions about these Planets and get a Spaceman ready to go into Moon. We learnt that they need special food that's different from here on Earth because it would go rotten before he even got to the Moon! 

This is River, he is deciding the correct place to put the Planet. 

Here are all the Planets in order. We think we did a pretty good job! 

Here is Josh, Amelia, Eden and Will getting the Spaceman ready to go the Moon. We hope you packed the right things!  

When we got to the third station Eden's Mum and Dad were waiting to help us. We got to learn all about Galaxies and then we even got to make one! 
We had a black piece of paper and some glue and we designed our Galaxy, then we used cheese graters and we scraped chalk over the glue to create our Galaxy. Then Eden's Mum put a star in the middle of our Galaxy and that was the Sun. Check out our Galaxies below... 

Caleb, Jack, Tamsin and Mere are making some pretty awesome Galaxies! 

This is what the Galaxy we live in looks like.

At the fourth and final station we found Josh's Mum. She taught us about how the Moon orbits the Earth, how craters were made on the surface of the Moon and about the phases of the Moon.  We all really enjoyed making the craters! 

Carys, Alex, Tyrone, River and Jaidon are deciding which side of the Moon is dark when the Sun is shining on it... They did really well! 

Alex is creating a crater on the Moon... 
how big do you think the crater will be? 
At the end of our visit Caleb, Mere and Tamsin showed us how the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. It looked rather tricky and we think they did a great job! 

Room 6 had so much fun during our Science Alive visits! Here are some things we enjoyed the most...

Saiyan - My favourite part was when we made the Galaxies.

Will - I liked playing the games with Tamisn's Mum.

Jack - My favourite part was Caleb, Mere and Tamsin acting out how the Sun, Earth and Moon orbit each other.

River - I enjoyed dropping the balls into the sand to make craters! 

The Fun Bubbles!

For writing this term Room 6 has been learning how to write recounts. We start off with an introduction, then we have our juicy middle and last we have our favourite part. 

Miss Brown brought some bubbles for us to write about at writing time. 
We had all sorts of different bubble blowers, some were shaped like a bears head, some were small flowers and there was even one with 16 different holes! This was our favourite!  

We took turns and moved around the different desk groups using the blowers. It was good because we shared them and took turns swapping around. 

We started off at our  normal desk group and explored what bubbles we could make with the different blowers.
We found out when we used the 16 hole bubble blower, that you could make one big bubble! 
 Look at our bubbles!!!! 

Here are a few things Room 6 enjoyed about the bubbles...

Tyrone - I liked the 16 bubble blower because you got to blow all the bubbles to make a really big bubble! 

Eden - I liked when Josh used the bear shaped bubble blower and pulled it through the air to make a bubble.

Mahalia - I liked it when the big bubbles were all around the classroom.

Amelia - I liked when I blew a big bubble and Mere popped it! 


This term Room 6 drew some shadows with chalk for our Space topic.

We had to go outside just before morning tea, before lunch and after Phonics to draw around our shadows to show how they change throughout the day.
We found out they moved as the sun moves through the sky during the day.

 This is Tyrone and Josh. Tyrone is drawing around Josh's Shadow.
 This is Saiyan and Will. Will is drawing around Saiyan. We had to stand in exactly the same spot each time we drew our shadow.
 Ashley and Carys are talking about how to draw their last shadow because Room 5's classroom was blocking the sun.

Here is what some Room 6 'ers enjoyed about this activity:

Mere - I liked going with Tamsin to draw the shadows.

Ashley - I liked drawing around Carys's shadow.

Carys - I liked drawing around Ashley's shadow too! 

Josh - I enjoyed drawing Tyrone's shadow.

This is what our shadows looked like after we had drawn around them three times.

Look at how they have changed.